Alex Meade
By Alex Meade on January 30, 2018


With more content hitting the Internet at an increasing rate, it becomes more difficult to gain attention for your blogs with each passing day. If you want to attract your audience, you need to focus on headlines. Without an intriguing headline, no one will bother to check out your post — and the engaging content that you created will go to waste. Lucky for you, there are proven strategies for creating headlines that you can use to make sure all your blog posts receive plenty of clicks.

Alex Meade
By Alex Meade on January 18, 2018

 Every content marketing strategy has the same goals: to make your target audience aware of your brand and to convert users into customers. Content marketing can be very effective but often simplified to just creating content. No matter how interesting, unique or useful the content is, it can be considered virtually useless if you’re audience is not engaging with it.

Alex Meade
By Alex Meade on November 30, 2017

Marketers and business owners have come to accept that it takes 8 to 12 “touches” or interactions with a company before a prospect converts into a buyer. More and more, content is the vehicle that’s providing those touches in today's online world. A combination of lead magnets, social media posts, email content and blogs posts (text or video) synergize to win that conversion. All of these aspects are content.

Stori Pemberton
By Stori Pemberton on November 16, 2017

If you’re unsure what outfit to wear or which new Netflix show to binge on, Instagram has officially introduced a new interactive tool for your friends and followers to weigh in on your tough decisions. For marketers, this is a great new addition to be able to interact and engage with your followers in real time.

Alex Meade
By Alex Meade on November 13, 2017

We get asked all the time, "How do I get more people to engage with my content and brand?" Engaging content - everybody wants it, but few are actually able to offer content that gets people's attention and ‘engaged’ with it.