Stori Pemberton
By Stori Pemberton on August 23, 2022

Social media continues to be all the rage in inbound marketing these days. However, oversaturation has made the droves of social media content feel impersonal which could be driving users away.

Your loyal customers have opted to follow you on social media, but every time they open an app, they see posts from companies that are not appealing to their needs... That's why you should reach them in a more personal way; through email.

Stori Pemberton
By Stori Pemberton on June 07, 2022

Inbound marketing offers B2B companies a way to reach and educate their customers directly—something that's becoming more and more important every day. But what is inbound marketing?

As the name suggests, Inbound marketing is the opposite of outbound marketing. Instead of interrupting potential customers with spammy calls, unwanted emails, and other intrusive advertising, inbound marketing allows customers to learn more about you and your business on their time. Here, they find exactly what they're looking for which is specific information about your business and its offerings. Customers are attracted to your business through content they enjoy on the sites they're already visiting. They'll buy from you because they have a very high-interest level in purchasing from you.

Alex Meade
By Alex Meade on March 16, 2022

Adding videos to your website can drastically improve your SEO ranking. Video marketing has become an increasingly popular tool for savvy digital markets. Today, more than 87% of marketers incorporate video into their digital marketing strategy. What makes video marketing compelling is that it can break down complex topics, which drives more people to your website and boosts your SEO ranking.

Sabina Hahn
By Sabina Hahn on March 08, 2022

A strong brand voice will help you stand out from other companies and deliver a unique message to your customers. Having an inconsistent voice will hurt your brand by weakening the message you are trying to send to your potential customers. Your business may be at risk by not creating a relatable voice that your target audience can easily identify with. The following are a few ways a weak voice can hurt your brand.

Alex Meade
By Alex Meade on February 16, 2022

It's hardly a secret that videos are a pillar element of successful marketing campaigns. With almost 90% of consumers asking to see more videos from their favorite brands, marketers work hard to meet these demands but often hit roadblocks.

Alex Meade
By Alex Meade on January 27, 2022

While keyword research is the backbone of your SEO strategy, it doesn't have to be expensive. If you are stretching your marketing budget to accommodate a variety of tactics, it's possible to save on keyword research.

Alex Meade
By Alex Meade on August 06, 2021

In 2017 we made a big decision that changed the course of Beacons Point.

Alex Meade
By Alex Meade on February 09, 2021

2020 was a challenging year for most businesses and marketers. But, where there are challenges, there are also opportunities.

Alex Meade
By Alex Meade on January 05, 2021

2020 was tough. I was often close to losing it and breaking down. The stress of the pandemic, the company, and my family’s health and happiness certainly took a toll. 

Alex Meade
By Alex Meade on September 23, 2020

If you are building an inbound marketing strategy for your company, you probably know about HubSpot. The platform offers a wide variety of useful tools for your sales and marketing efforts along with an impressive knowledge base and Academy.