Stori Pemberton

Stori Pemberton

More from Stori Pemberton

Stori Pemberton
By Stori Pemberton on August 23, 2022

Social media continues to be all the rage in inbound marketing these days. However, oversaturation has made the droves of social media content feel impersonal which could be driving users away.

Your loyal customers have opted to follow you on social media, but every time they open an app, they see posts from companies that are not appealing to their needs... That's why you should reach them in a more personal way; through email.

Stori Pemberton
By Stori Pemberton on August 05, 2022

HubSpot certifications are an excellent resource for keeping up with the latest trends and technologies in inbound marketing, sales, and customer service. These frequently updated, free video courses only require a few hours to consume. You’ll gain the skills, tips, and insights needed to improve your organization’s growth efforts.

Stori Pemberton
By Stori Pemberton on June 28, 2022

Whether you're in B2B, B2C, C2C, or any other business model, you know how challenging it can be to get your leads to convert. Even after all the effort you've put into generating leads in the first place, you still need to engage your audience and lead them further into the buyer's journey.

Stori Pemberton
By Stori Pemberton on June 20, 2022

Today’s internet users demand an ever-increasing amount and quality of high-performing content.

To keep up with that insatiable demand, you have to invest large amounts of time, energy, and money. It’s a shame to let all the premium content you’ve created in the past sit there when you could easily use content repurposing for breathing new life into it. 

Stori Pemberton
By Stori Pemberton on June 13, 2022

It doesn’t take a marketing expert to understand that you need to think like your customers if you want to draw them to your business. One way that marketers achieve this is by creating buyer personas. A buyer persona is a hypothetical character archetype meant to represent the type of buyer you want to reach: perhaps “Martha the Stay-at-Home Mom,” “Pete the Plumber,” or “Gina the Grad Student.” 

Stori Pemberton
By Stori Pemberton on June 07, 2022

Inbound marketing offers B2B companies a way to reach and educate their customers directly—something that's becoming more and more important every day. But what is inbound marketing?

As the name suggests, Inbound marketing is the opposite of outbound marketing. Instead of interrupting potential customers with spammy calls, unwanted emails, and other intrusive advertising, inbound marketing allows customers to learn more about you and your business on their time. Here, they find exactly what they're looking for which is specific information about your business and its offerings. Customers are attracted to your business through content they enjoy on the sites they're already visiting. They'll buy from you because they have a very high-interest level in purchasing from you.

Stori Pemberton
By Stori Pemberton on June 01, 2022

Buyer personas form the base for much of your inbound marketing efforts. When used properly, they can help you hone your marketing messages to attract your ideal customers to your business.

Personas help create the context for your messaging to ensure you’re delivering relevant content to engage with your ideal customers.

Stori Pemberton
By Stori Pemberton on May 23, 2022

Alex Meade our VP of Sales & Marketing, and Sabina Hahn, our Lead Content Strategist here at Beacons Point invited Rebecca Devaney and Kate Babcock of Culture Theory to talk about why emotional intelligence in the workplace is important. Culture Theory is a business consulting firm that focuses on bringing emotional intelligence to your workplace.

Stori Pemberton
By Stori Pemberton on May 04, 2022

In our digital world, webinars have become one of the most efficient ways for companies to further their brand. These low-CTA forums enable companies to position themselves as industry thought-leaders, collect leads, and move prospective clients further down the funnel — but they're only as effective as the engagement they create.

If companies want to make the most of these online summits, they need to evaluate how they plan to maximize webinar attendance and foster as much participation as possible. That means thinking through broader goals like timing, planning, and deck layout (strategy) as well as specific means of implementation like deliverables, recordings, and repurposing content (tactics). We'll take a look at both in this article, and show you where to go after your webinar is complete.

Stori Pemberton
By Stori Pemberton on April 26, 2022

Quality content has the ability to take your SEO game to the next level. Search engines are looking for original, optimized content that includes links, keywords, and overall strong content. Quality and SEO are both crucial for search success. Read more to understand why.