Alex Meade
By Alex Meade on October 03, 2022
25 minute read

B2B Growth Marketer: Bringing Awareness to Industrial Marketing with Eddie Saunders

Eddie Saunders with Flex Machine Tools blew us away with his dynamic opinions on what it takes to be a unicorn marketer in an industrial marketing setting.

Eddie shares what has helped grow his mentality and what has helped him to allow himself to market Flex in such a personal way. He says that B2B will always be H2H (Human to Human), and we love that mentality and the way he reverse engineers his marketing strategy.


Alex Meade, Beacons Point, VP of Sales & Marketing
Alex is the VP of Sales & Marketing at Beacons Point, a leader of HubSpot User Groups, the host of the B2B Growth Marketer Podcast, and a collector of Kurt Vonnegut books and San Diego craft beer.

Connect with Alex on LinkedIn

Eddie Saunders, Marketing Manager, FlexArm
Father, Husband, Kickboxing Coach, Former Top Ranked MMA Fighter, Jiu-Jitsu Competitor, Sports Announcer, Singer/Songwriter, and lover of all things adventurous!

The above are just a few things that truly embody who Eddie is and what he's all about. Each of us is living life according to what we know and gravitate towards. For Eddie, it's simple...turning over every stone, exploring every opportunity, squeezing every moment for what it's worth, always growing, and never slowing.

Connect with Eddie

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00:00 Introductions
00:40 Where Eddie learned to be a marketer
02:19 Does knowing the sales process help with marketing?
03:03 Reverse engineering the decision-making process
03:33 Being strategic in the marketing world
04:08 Shift in manufacturing, industrial marketing
06:18 Create more engaging content
09:25 Henry Ford quote
10:03 Become a unicorn marketer
10:44 Not being afraid to let your personality show in your marketing
12:51 How much should you experiment in your marketing process
14:15 Taking calculated risks in marketing
14:29 Thomas Eddison's light bulb theory
15:14 The future of marketing
16:29 B2B will always be H2H (Human to Human)
17:58 Becoming the face of Flex Machine Tools
20:05 Focus on your subject matter experts
26:55 Influencer marketing for industrial marketing


Alex Meade  00:00
Welcome to the B2B growth Marketer Podcast. I'm your host Alex meat. And today we have Eddie Saunders. He is the director of demand gen at flex, Eddie, welcome to the show.

Alex Meade  00:20
I love this. So one of the reasons why I wanted to invite you on the show is, you have so much energy and passion for this stuff that I kind of felt like my job would be easy on this one. So one of the questions I have, so okay, you are your marketing in a world of manufacturing? Right? Okay, so how, where did you learn how to become a marketer? And where do you get all this energy and passion?

Eddie Saunders  00:36
Yo, yo, yo, what's the good word, my man.

Alex Meade  00:40
I love this. So one of the reasons why I wanted to invite you on the show is, you have so much energy and passion for this stuff that I kind of felt like my job would be easy on this one. So one of the questions I have, so okay, you are your marketing in a world of manufacturing? Right? Okay, so how, where did you learn how to become a marketer? And where do you get all this energy and passion?

Eddie Saunders  00:48
I'll tell you what, man, I learned from the streets. Yo, NomCom kid, I'm Kid kind of kind of, because in all reality, a lot of people don't know this. But I spent 10 years in sales, prior to actually transitioning into marketing. But a lot of my experience was actually in selling and consulting, marketing and advertising platforms and services and things like that. And then, you know, also my degree from the University of Northwestern Ohio, I was also in marketing. So I kind of just took my enthusiasm and all that passion and energy that I've always had asked my mom, I've always had it, it's always been there, noxious since day one. But I took a lot of that knowledge that know how, and honestly, essentially, my education, as well as some of the street knowledge that I gained through all of the sales interactions, in tandem with I've read probably 50 Plus books on human psychology, just understanding of other individuals decision making process, sales, marketing, branding, just a lot of that. So I've really immersed a lot of my growth mentally, on understanding other human beings. And I think I don't think I know that having that sales and marketing background kind of gets me to swords, the swing and the conversation. So it's beneficial, it helps a lot. And honestly, it gets me to where I am, it keeps me going into where I'm headed.

Alex Meade  02:06
So by this is interesting. So you, you cut your teeth, per se, as like a sales in sales consulting. Do you think that helps you? Because you know, the sales process? And like, what goes into selling does that? Does that change your perception of marketing? Or like just 100%? You can like change your perception but shaped you? Yeah.

Eddie Saunders  02:30
Yeah, because it provided me the thing that we all can never get enough of. And that's perspective. And all reality like it's, it's, it provided me so much understanding of the customers, because in marketing, the biggest mistake a lot of individuals make is they do AI and marketing and not the physical eye, but the letter AI, and I speak, how I feel it's interpreted how I think how I feel. And there's almost zero empathy. It's just product features and benefits that I put on a white paper. And I hope that's attractive to you. But nobody really reverse engineers that decision-making process. And there are a few things in this world that will make you more aware and get your hand on the pulse of the standard consumer decision like process, then going through a variety of sales transactions both failed and successful. So you learn a lot about human beings when your job is to literally communicate with as many of them as deeply as possible. So a funny thing happens where you gain empathy, and understanding. And when you have those two tools at your disposal, you can do a lot of good, but quote unquote, dangerous things, if you will. In the marketing world, I mean that in a good way, you can be very strategic, you can be very analytical in your approach, but you do the most powerful thing. And I think it's be empathetic to those who you're trying to talk to in the first place.

Alex Meade  03:46
Yeah, that's, that's great. I mean, I think I think marketing is starting to get geared more towards that. But I think about I think about manufacturers, manufacturers, you know, manufacturing organizations and all kinds of types and sizes. Marketing is Feature Driven, it's precision, it's quality, like how have you noticed a shift in manufacturing, industrial marketing, to to go more of what you're talking about is more about how how it makes people feel the the empathy, you know, more of that, have you seen more of that shift in manufacturing industrial to an extent.

Eddie Saunders  04:28
Because like, just like any other segment of manufacturing feel like it's five years behind and a lot of ways like it's the doll, dirty, dingy, dark marketing, and you know, not being an exception to that specific rule. But you're starting to see it a lot more because you're getting people from outside of manufacturing, bringing their creativity and their understanding into the industry. And that's a big thing that I'm doing as well. I'm leading the charge I feel like and I say that in all humility, but I'm really whether it's I'm doing all these speaking engagements, you know, these podcast things, whatever it may be In my connections, I'm just trying to put to the forefront, you know that everyone's kind of doing it the same way. So if I come in with a little bit of enthusiasm, and just bring that empathy to the game, it changes conversations, and it allows me to now say, like, tell a story. So instead of throwing features and benefits your specific direction, I get to tell a story to you. Um, and we get to utilize great case studies, because every, you know, manufacturer out there has at least one good case study that out there where you can say, hey, this is a good success from what I've done. But but to that point, it's been really powerful to be able to have those tools in your back pocket, bring those to the forefront, and really challenge the way that marketers in the industrial space have done it, you know, since the beginning of industrial marketing, so I think you're seeing a change in the guard and the shift in the conversation. And I just hope that I can continue to be kind of on the forefront of that. And if not, then cool, then I'll be over here soaking up all the attention.

Alex Meade  05:57
So you mentioned changing of the guard is that is that really, you know, it's evident that there's younger marketers, and more emphasis in marketing coming into manufacturing industrial, but is it also a changing of the guard of, of ownership of leadership, and these organizations that see the value of, you know, what you're doing with marketing and creating the story and creating these more engaging content?

Eddie Saunders  06:22
I think it's a mix of that, you know, and also some of the new technologies and the rising of social media, because you're thinking about 10 years ago, socials were a thing. But there weren't, there wasn't really a guess, as good strategy behind it, there wasn't good data behind it. And so when you're utilizing these things, and you bring a more objective conversation, it's different. And it's hard for you to ignore it, because there are individuals out there who have raw data on their impressions on their reach out. And we have more technology than we've ever had to be able to tie this directly to revenue or earned impressions or other type of metrics and KPIs. So depending on what your what's important to you, which goes from the young, newer guard, if you will, to the older individuals who may not have as good of an understanding of it, you have to put your feelings aside because the data is there. And so whether you're slow to adopt it, or you're an early adopter, you can't ignore the objective information that's in front of you. So I think it is a mix of younger individuals, the millennials, aka my generation coming in there understanding socials understanding, not wanting to be sold, understanding the value of human interaction. And also tick tock shown us that the raw and the real, sometimes way better than the scripted, and you know, Glamour fied, if you will, or glitzy than dazzled all that fun stuff. So it's a change in mindset. But I think it's a forcing of it too, because you can't help but notice that there is a change, there's a shift. And even though it's a little bit late, there are individuals like me, who are really trying to pull things along and make sure the winds are still blowing in our direction, so that we can kind of get up to speed with awareness of all the other individuals around the industries.

Alex Meade  07:58
Yeah, I mean, I think of manufacturing, marketing 10 plus years ago, and it was probably tradeshows conferences, you know, sales sheets, one sheets, it was, you know, like going to facilities going to customers have having those those sales pitches in person. And it was that was the metrics, how many doors? How many people? Did we talk to how many people came by our booth? How many phone numbers did we get? Or like, how did we direct mail, you know, maybe in some instances, but like how many people to visit, and it's hard to ignore that on digital properties. The people that are buying have changed, they don't want you to show up on their door unannounced. And they're doing more research. So like they're forced to, like you said, forced to change, whether they were, you know, whether they're, you know, older, younger, what generation doesn't matter. There's this idea that people are starting to realize that they have to change they have to adopt.

Eddie Saunders  09:04
And, you know, just like people who loved riding horses, they probably had bad feelings about the car first. But look what happened.

Alex Meade  09:11
Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yes. Yeah. There's this quote, somebody was on the show, and one of the first guests and he's, I like repeat this all the time, because I loved it. Just talking about what, what Henry Ford said if, if people if you ask the people what they wanted, they'd say faster horses. Yes. And, like, I love that. It's like you, you know, people would probably want to faster than want instead of like new ways to do it. They'd want more salespeople to go door to door versus finding a better way to do it. Okay, so this kind of ties in ties in well, okay, so you, you're free. You're, you're you're bringing this industry with you. Whether people want to join you or not, you are you're going out there and doing it, people are seeing it. So what you're doing is pretty awesome. Like you're doing some Write in stuff that stuff that you see in unicorn Tech brands that have all the money to hire. You know, the marketing teams and agencies, you're doing videos, you're doing podcasts, you're, you're like getting yourself out there on social media. How did you get buy in because a lot of lot of marketers want to do what you're doing, at least they want to do a fraction of what you're doing. But they've got bosses, managers, leadership that's like, that seems like we it doesn't seem like something that would work in manufacturing, or that we want to do. How did you how did this conversation go with your leadership? Or how did you? Was this asking for forgiveness? Or like, how did you? How did you actually get started doing this? Who, who said like, finally said, All right, Eddie, yes, let your personality shine go do this.

Eddie Saunders  10:48
Well, aside from all the stuff that I've done here, I'm actually a professional event MC and I feel like I was born on stage, I've been in theater my whole life. And so I've utilized that type of angle in that, that that piece of who I am, in a variety of situations, I'm an entertainer at heart, I really am. A lot of people know that. And so I'm not a BS er by any means. But I'm an entertainer. And that's again, what applies to that marketing world. And, and what also helps is I've got really big eyes, really big ears, and a lot of ambition to follow it. So it was really me just paying attention and seeing at, like, looking into other industries, because I understand that I'm going to be an outlier, I got to see who are the unicorns in other areas, what are they doing, and I found some of the best practices and the way that I stay sharp is I'm constantly looking at these things. So I'm constantly using my big eyes, and my big ears to listen to what people are saying, whether it's listening to my customers, and seeing what they want, so that I can reverse engineer content and like collateral for my sales team to answer objections before they even happen, or, you know, partnering with other brands and help getting them up to speed, I have a buddy branding system that I'm relatively, you know, well known for. And my speaking engagements, were doing a lot of synergistic collaboration. So it really wasn't as much of forgiveness, once you do a good thing or two, I've learned in my career over the last 12 years, which is I still feel I'm young in it. But when you do a couple of good things and bring some objective data to it, and then you bring a good plan moving forward. And you know, if it doesn't stand the test of time, or the hole is being poked in it, that it's not worth the idea anyway. So anything that you've seen me do successfully, has been torn apart, ripped to shreds, battered, beaten, thrown on the ground, chewed up, spit out, and that's what makes it through. So you think about all the cool things that you see, you can only imagine all the crap that we throw out before anybody even gets a chance to hear about it.

Alex Meade  12:44
Yeah, so so all the things that you throw out before anybody hears about it? How much like experimentation is part of your marketing process. So there had to come a time where you're like, you know what, I need to be more out there. Because I'm an entertainer, this is like, what I'm good at, I should do this for our company, was Was there a, was there a testing ground where you said, like, Alright, I'm gonna try these five different types of videos, and whatever works best I'm gonna move forward with was how much experimentation do you have in your process?

Eddie Saunders  13:15
Constant, like, like, implement, like, our implementation strategy is experimental at heart, it always is that and everything's from a fractal basis. So we think if we can work smarter, the harder part will kind of dwindling an extent. But if we truly bring it on, that's going to be a big thing. So with that, we will utilize the fractal piece often. And so that helps us continue to fuel that experimentation, where we're trying to say, what does this form of this piece of content look on this platform? What can we do with a similar format on a different one? What if we put it in this form? What if we crop this specific piece out? So everything at its core is an experiment whether and we're constantly changing things? Whether our audience notices the subtle changes or not, we are constantly doing things, you know, we've had variety of maybe not, not really, obviously not well thought out, but just not the biggest bang, if you will, when it comes to video pieces or series that we've done. But through that, we've been brave, we've been bold, we take calculated risks, keyword, calculated risks, and calculated experimentation with our marketing and realize that you know what, we're going to find a lot of ways to not do what we're going to do. But when we finally find it, it's kind of like my light bulb theory. But does it Thomas Edison didn't fail, you know, 2000 plus times, he just found 2000 ways to not make a light bulb. And that's how we roll we find 2000 Plus ways to not do it. And when we find that one way, we become known for it and our customers appreciate it and we do what we come here to do every single day and that's make a lot of noise. Turn it up to 11.

Alex Meade  14:51
I love it. We've got Henry Ford quotes. We've got Thomas Edison analogies. I like what's going to go ahead, me I just, I just got myself out of my own question. Okay, so here, you, you're doing a lot of different things you're bringing in, you're turning up to 11, you're bringing the you're bringing the energy, you're bringing the passion, what? What are you most excited about? The future of like marketing? Like, what? What are some things that like gets you pumped that you want to do within? You know, your strategies? Is it you mentioned, TikTok? Is it like a platform? Is it an idea of where the industry is going? Like, what are you most excited about in the future?

Eddie Saunders  15:35
I love that industrial marketing is becoming something that's, that's taken very seriously. And it's backed by phenomenal human beings, aka creators, or as other people call them influencers, I feel like that is accelerating that curve, and just shortening things so much and bringing a significant amount of awareness to the game, because people are understanding that, wow, maybe my white page with my features and benefits and all these old school trade shows like nothing against them, I mean, I have some things against them. But that's for a whole nother conversation. And maybe they're not working like they always did, maybe if we really look at this data, maybe we can understand this is the way things need to be. And it helps facilitate a lot of specific decisions. And so I'm just excited for the creators being highlighted. And a lot of these companies who are smart, putting their brands on the backs of these human beings, because the creators are being focused on there being trusted, and B2B will always be HTH. And that's human to human, I'll say that now die on that hill. And so when we recognize that people are connecting more with these human creators than they are the brands themselves. And there's verse raw data that I could absolutely bring to the party where you'd be like, Wow, I didn't realize that creator pages got this much more, you know, data, this much more frequency reach impressions, as opposed to standard brand pages alone. And if you're not recognizing that with your social program, then you are a step behind. But I'm most excited to that point to kind of make it positive is that it's being recognized, and those who are getting it truly are getting it and there are I feel already ahead of the curve. And I just hope those great voices are bold enough to start doing so. And don't wait because it could be too late.

Alex Meade  17:19
Yeah, I like what you said there. How do you say you are obviously very active on social you're very, in you have the data to probably show how successful you are at your reach and probably impressions and probably even like tracking clicks and links back to your website, your company website? What if other people the company that are doing some of the things that you're doing on LinkedIn? Or are you the primary person doing that on LinkedIn?

Eddie Saunders  17:51
On social? Yeah, yeah, I mean, honestly, I'm the guy, I've made it very clear, like, hey, put the brand on my back. I love I'm synonymous with Flex. And it's just a, it's not a persona, I get to be who I am. And it stands out. And, you know, I've got a great leadership team here who believes in me, who gives me the tools that I need to shine my light and turn it up to 11. And I don't come to them unless it's something that I'm passionate about, and that I've, you know, very, very much belief will be good for us and everyone involved. And I commend flex like, not just because, you know, that's my employer, but I commend them so much, because there are individuals who want to do what I'm doing. But they're held down by a bunch of gray haired dudes in a boardroom, who have little to no understanding about what it is they're trying to accomplish. And I'm here to call each and every one of you out. Because if you sit there and you hold them down, you're gonna watch people like me win over quotes from people like you.

Alex Meade  18:47
Yeah, so they so I think one of the biggest challenges and companies like forget about forget about industrial or manufacturing, you know, any any company is how do you? Do you hire people, like you that have a passion for this, because you can't teach, you can't force people to want to be good at social, I was having a conversation the other day. And if you don't like doing social, it's really hard to be good at it. You can know what to do. But there's that level of passion that's not there. There's that level of commitment that's not there. And so a lot of companies know that they need to be more, their team needs to be more active on social, but it's one of those things you can't really force people to be more active on social, talking about their brands talking about the industry, you know, because if you just went up there and said flex, flex, flex flex all day, people would probably tune you out is oh, he just wants to sell me something. But you are helping the industry and marketers and things like that and people see that and build trust. So how do you what would you say to companies out there that feel like they need this but you can't force your marketer to want to be out there in the public doing this stuff.

Eddie Saunders  20:05
You got to really find your subject matter expert in all reality. And if you don't have somebody like that I talked about this honestly, recently at the industrial marketing Summit, and it was a big thing that people were wondering is like, how do I get? How do I get by? And how do I leverage my individuals and in all reality, like the thing is, you really do have to lean on your subject matter experts, because if if your expertise is going to be your different differentiator, aside from price of products, features, benefits, yada, yada, feature those individuals, because and some one person was even saying something like, Well, what if they? What if they don't want to? And my question is, okay, cool. Two questions, actually, who doesn't like to feel important? Who doesn't like to feel intelligent? Right now we're talking basic human desires. And I think if you approach it, as you know, the subject matter experts are the experts in their field. And there are valuable insights that they can provide individuals. And it's as if they need to get super bought in and do all this posting, if anything, you can utilize them and leverage their specific knowledge to your networks and to your community. Because it's still the same thing. It just matters, who's posting it. But the biggest challenge that I would say is if you can't get someone specifically, I mean, there are some companies out there where they have at least 10 different individuals across their their company that are always in the comment section of every single post. They're super engaging, and they're really kind of hacking that specific realm. And so if you don't have somebody who's good on camera, which is understandable, if you don't have somebody who's good at writing, who's good at speaking, whatever it may be, you need to find those subject matter experts and leverage them in any way that you physically can. Because your brand, and your understanding and the rapport and your authority within these conversations truly depends on it. It really, really does. Because when features and benefits are really, really close, what's your differentiator? Do you have to ask yourself that? I can't answer that for you?

Alex Meade  21:57
Yeah, yeah, I mean, the difference between, you know, I'm not saying you guys are exactly like your, your competitors, but I'm sure there's people that make similar or same products, and it's like, everyone wants to say their differentiator is, you know, oh, our features this are how we make it is that but in reality, you know, in most cases, it comes down to the people comes down to the process, it comes down to the commitment to customer service to success. I want to I want to change base, I want to change a little bit. So you talk a lot about data from from somebody who's like you as a creator, who's out there, utilizing subject matter experts. If it's not, are you? How do you measure success with the things that you do? Talk about it? You know, I don't want to know, your success is I get this many impressions per post, as a marketing, you know, as Director of demand gen. You're doing all of these things? How like, what is success? What does success mean? Is it we have this many more deals in the pipeline, this much more revenue? This way more people know about us? Like what is success for you in this like kind of end game?

Eddie Saunders  23:10
Sure. My big thing from a demand generation standpoint is I want to steal attention, period, period. And there are so many ways nowadays that you can track that earned attention now me stealing it is this my vigilante rebellious way of feeling like I'm going around being sneaky, right. So that's more for me, not for you. But that being said, I also know that we're a small like, you say small, like a 50 person or less manufacturing facility in the cornfields of Ohio, we're competing against global brands and a lot of cases, and we don't have the ad spend that they will have we don't like and we may not anytime soon, and that's okay. But what I will do is I'll be biting at your ankles, and I will steal that attention because when you get nice and fat and lazy, I'm gonna be agile, mobile and hostile. So success for me, we direct that really, really to the attention that we're getting. And that that is measured strictly at least in my eyes by impressions, reach and video content views. Those are the big things that we focus on. Now. from a social perspective here at flex, I actually look over our top five social media accounts or our main five and I look at the top four metrics within each of those individual platforms. And then I have a collective annual goal of what I'm trying to reach from each of those main key metrics so I get pretty granular when it comes to the data and people just think okay, it's just likes comments and shares. Now I'm over here getting nerdy with my socials because we can directly tie those numbers to what we're doing from a standpoint justify adspend measure cost per impression. And then really start cooking with with grease for lack of a better phrase, and do some some real dangerous but good things with our brand. So that's how I measure success and Though we can get get super granular on what my actual numbers and goals are, though, that's what really I focus a lot on is is the attention I'm stealing? And then the KPIs that measure how much attention I've earned.

Alex Meade  25:15
Yeah, I think in B2B brands, you know, midmarket smaller B2B brands, including industrial, I think social is always like, how many likes did we get this month. And it's like, how many people commented and they see, you might be a super niche brand. And if you get five people like ad, it's not worth doing anymore. But five quickly turns into eight quickly turns into 15 quickly turns in and keeps growing and I liked that you looked at it is I've got an annual goal of this is the amount of people I want to reach. And so I'm sure you check it monthly, weekly, quarterly, whatever you do. And I'm sure that changes your strategy, if you're below your target, before you know what you're trying to reach. And I don't think enough brands think about it is like an annual strategy versus we just need more likes, which is, for lack of better terms, just not always, I think the most productive way to think about it.

Eddie Saunders  26:16
I don't care about likes, I don't care about likes and reacts. Yeah, there's seven different reacts, choose your one, don't choose it, I don't care. I and that's, that's coming from me, I'll say one more time. I don't care about your reacts, I don't. And that's not me being rude by any means. But from a from an analytical standpoint, it is my duty and function to get this, this piece of content in front of as many people as possible. And though some individuals would say, you know, likes definitely helped that. I'd rather you hop in and leave a comment because you've seen our content for the last couple of months, last year, last few years, or you saw an influencer that we're utilizing, which is a whole nother segment of our strategy that's really helped us crush our goal, like I set stretch goals for our impressions and our reach this year. And I crushed we are we as a team have crushed both of them earlier this month. So we got a high bar that we're setting already. And it's through all these little strategies that we're utilizing man.

Alex Meade  27:15
Yeah, that's great. No, and, you know, like, you're, I look at a ton of content on LinkedIn, and I might not engage. But I'm looking at it. And I'm remembering it. And that's like, I think that's what brands forget is just because someone's not reacting. It doesn't mean they're not engaged. Like they're not consuming it. Especially on LinkedIn. Alright, I got one. I got one more question. And just you mentioned like, you're synonymous with Flex. I'm not gonna lie. I think I think I penciled you in on our like, podcast schedule is Eddie flex. Because I don't know if that's his name. Maybe that's like your alter ego. Eddie flex out there. But you've done a good job, especially like this. I'm digging this like orange shirt with the cute bat, you're like audio black background. It's a very good. It's a very good design, design. 

Eddie Saunders  28:08
Rock and ... Roll, man.

Alex Meade  28:10
Okay, last question for you. And, you know, you mentioned that you spent some time in sales, you spend some time as a consultant. What advice would you tell Eddie 10 years ago? What would you have to say to him?

Eddie Saunders  28:26
Two things. One, it's going to be okay, don't give up. I promise it's going to be okay, bro. Because there are many times many times, I was not convinced it was going to be okay. So that's the big one. And then essentially, from that empathy you've heard me say so many times and I will beat it to death. It is empathy alone has has gotten me in more places presented me more opportunities deepened more friendships than I could ever imagined in my short 30 years on this planet thus far. That's been the big thing. And anytime that I get asked for a final point or what's what's something you want to drive home, what's one last thing you want to share? Just be an empathetic, good human. And I wish I would have started recognizing the power of that earlier. It just took me a while because I was too busy being egotistical. Like like a typical, you know, 20 Something male who thinks he's got a chip on his shoulder and a couple of dollars in his pocket, but don't give up everything's gonna be okay. And then just be an empathetic good human in the road will pave itself

Alex Meade  29:36
Kind of feel like that needed? Just a little moment there. I was great. You've certainly you're certainly a professional. I will say that you you are. You are maybe my favorite guest so far. If all those other guests are listening, don't get jealous. But But thank you so much. I really appreciate you joining us and dealing with me with some of the technical issues we had recording this hopefully nobody notices, but generally they will. Where Where can where can people find you? Where should listeners find? Find Eddie flex online?

Eddie Saunders  30:14
You better believe it, man. So I do have a podcast myself flex and friends where I really get to interview some of the coolest individuals in manufacturing the loudest proudest best, brightest, most passionate and profound thought leaders. I'm talking to him. And so that's always a great way. And then my LinkedIn super active you can find me Eddie Saunders Jr. I'll be the weirdo with the hat with the overly enthusiastic smile. Easy to find me.

Alex Meade  30:38
Awesome. We'll put all that in the show notes as well. But anyway, thank you so much for joining. Thank you kindly

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Published by Alex Meade October 3, 2022
Alex Meade

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